SuperBiiz is a premier global online retailer offering customers a wide selection of PC components, software, networking products and consumer electronics from top brands. Whether you’re a hardcore gamer, a small business, a reseller, a gadget junkie, or just a PC-building enthusiast, NewBiiz is sure to meet all your needs.
$40 MIR + FREE SHIPPING GIGABYTE nVidia GeForce 9600GT 512MB DDR3 PCI-Express Video Card
$30 MIR + FREE SHIPPING GIGABYTE nVidia GeForce 9500GT OC 512MB DDR2 PCI-Express Video Card
$30 MIR + FREE SHIPPING GIGABYTE ATI Radeon HD4870 1GB DDR5 PCI-Express Video Card
$35 MIR GIGABYTE GA-EP45-EXTREME Core 2 Extreme Intel P45 CrossFireX ATX Motherboard
$35 MIR GIGABYTE GA-EP45-DQ6 Core 2 Extreme Intel P45 CrossFireX ATX DES Motherboard
$25 MIR GIGABYTE GA-EG45M-DS2H Core 2 Extreme Intel G45 DDR2-1066 MATX DES Motherboard
$20 MIR GIGABYTE GA-M78SM-S2H Socket AM2+ GeForce 8200 HDMI MATX Motherboard
$20 MIR GIGABYTE GA-EG43M-S2H Core 2 Extreme Intel G43 FSB 1333 MATX DES Motherboard
$20 MIR GIGABYTE GA-EP45-UD3P Core 2 Quad P45 DDR2-1366 ATX DES Motherboard
$15 MIR GIGABYTE GA-EP45-UD3R Core 2 Quad P45 DDR2-1366 ATX Motherboard
$15 MIR GIGABYTE GA-EP45-DS3L Core 2 Extreme P45 DDR2-1200 ATX DES Motherboard
$50 MIR MSI Digital Core 2 Quad GeForce 9300 FSB 1333 DDR2-800 ATX Motherboard
$50 MIR MSI G45M-FD Core 2 Quad Intel G45 DDR2-800 MATX Motherboard
$20 MIR MSI P45D3 Platinum Core 2 Quad Intel P45 FSB 1600 DDR3-1600 ATX Motherboard
$20 MIR MSI P45 8D Core 2 Extreme Intel P45 FSB 1600 DDR2-1066 DDR3-1600 ATX Motherboard
$20 MIR Zonet IP Camera
$20 MIR Zonet 16-Port Gigabit Networking Switch
$15 MIR Zonet 4-Port 300Mbps Wireless-N Broadband Router
$10 MIR Zonet 2-Port USB KVM Switch w/Audio and USB hub
$10 MIR Zonet Multi-Port 2-USB & 1-Parallel Print Server
$30 MIR Epower ZUMAX 850W ATX12V/EPS12V Active PFC Power Supply
$30 MIR Epower ZUMAX 950W ATX12V/EPS12V Active PFC Power Supply
$15 MIR Epower ZUMAX X3 550W 20/24pin ATX V2.0 Power Supply
$15 MIR Epower EP-500XP Xtreme 500W 20/24-pin Power Supply
$15 MIR Epower ZUMAX X3 650W 20/24pin ATX V2.0 Power Supply
$30 MIR Palit nVidia GeForce 9800GT with CUDA 1GB DDR3 2DVI PCI-Express Video Card
$5 MIR Palit nVidia GeForce 8400GS with CUDA 512MB DVI/HDCP PCI-Express Video Card
$5 MIR Super Talent DDR2-800 4GB (2x2GB) Memory Kit
$5 MIR Super Talent DDR3-1333 2GB (2x1GB) CL8 Dual Channel Memory Kit
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