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FootSmart Coupon Codes & Promotion Offers

Posted by RayJack | Nov 26, 2008-8:15 AM

FootSmart -- one-stop shopping for smarter, better products for foot care, lower body
health care and comfort shoes.

To maintain your active lifestyle start with your feet! Not only can aching feet take the fun out of your day but they can actually lead to more serious joint and lower body healthcare problems. In fact, your feet are the foundation of your body's health and comfort -- so treat your feet with the care they deserve!

FootSmart is your exclusive resource solely dedicated to lower body healthcare. With the largest selection of foot care products for the feet, legs and ankles, as well as comfort shoes, FootSmart can help you walk through your day with a smile -- everyday!

FootSmart Coupon Codes & Promotion Offers

10% off Slippers $50+ Use Coupon Code: WBSLIP50
End Date: 12/31