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What's HOT - Valentine's Day

Millions of Americans have come to depend on Dr. Leonard's Healthcare catalog for all their health related needs - nutritional supplements, support & mobility products, blood pressure monitors, exercise equipment, Dr. Scholl's shoes, diabetic socks, sexual health aids and wheelchairs.

Carol Wright Gifts has a huge selection of the latest "As Seen on TV" products, housewares, bedding, kitchen helpers and garden accessories, as well as caftans, shoes, outerwear and sleepwear for men & women... and a great Clearance section, too!

Black Friday and Cyber Monday coupon codes are available for the month of November/December for Dr. Leonard's Healthcare and Carol Wright Gifts.

Coupon code must be entered during checkout to receive the discount. Offer includes free shipping!

Dr. Leonard's Healthcare: Effective from 11.26.08 to 12.03.08

20% Off $50 Order, Dr. Leonard's Healthcare Black Friday through Cyber Monday Coupon Code, DLBLCK

Carol Wright Gifts: Effective from 11.26.08 to 12.03.08

20% Off $50 Order, Carol Wright Gifts Black Friday through Cyber Monday Coupon Code, CWBLCK

Clearance at Carol Wright Gifts