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What's HOT - Valentine's Day

Working with a network of the finest florists across the globe, Flora2000 sends the freshest, most premium flowers at the best prices to the U.S., Canada, U.K., Brazil, Mexico, Germany, Singapore, China, Hong Kong, India, Australia, and more. Customers can view online catalogs designed for each of the 150 countries Flora2000 delivers to and then choose from more than 3,000 floral arrangements.

Holiday Coupons & Promotional Offers from Flora2000

Click on the links below to see the deals. Coupons are already embedded in the links. No need to enter coupons at checkout unless coupon code is mentioned in the deal.

12% off all orders for new customers Use Code BLACK3

Top Products by Country

1. Canada

Canada: Treasure Basket

Canada: Candy Cane Joy

Canada: Starlight Bowl

Canada: Wreath with Red Velvet Bow

Canada: One Dozen Red & White Roses

2. USA

USA: Treasure Basket

Spirit of the Holidays

Candy Cane Joy

Celebration Bouquet

Holiday Cheer

3. Germany

Germany's Top Product: Winters Triming

4. Italy

Christmas Dreams- Italy bouquet of the Month

5. Philippines

Philippines: Heartwarming Holiday

6. France

France: Rosissimo Sale! $ 15 Off

7. U.K

U.K: Red Amaryllis Bouquet

8. China

China: Holiday Cheer Bouquet

9. Japan

Japan: Passion Paradise

10. Argentina

Argentina: Candy cane Wishes

11. Australia

Australia: Red Poinsettia, Sale! $10 off

12. Brazil

Brazil: Wonder Rose Basket

13. Colombia

Columbia: White Centerpiece

14. Mexico

Mexico: Angel's Wish

15. New Zealand

New Zealand: Holiday Elegance

16. India

India: Graceful Grandeur

17. Singapore

Singapore: Cherry

18. Netherlands

Netherlands: Holiday Delight Centrepiece

19. Poland

Poland: The Night Before Christmas $10 OFF

20. Thailand

Thailand: Holiday Poinsettia

21. Russia

The Night before Christmas - Russia Bouquet of the Month $10 OFF

22. South Africa

South Africa: Heavenly Grandeur

24. Spain

Pearly Rubies- Spain Bouquet of the month