sells deeply discounted closeout and refurbished electronics online. offers more than 100,000 products including accessories, apparel, appliances, DVDs, housewares, jewelry, software, and sports memorabilia from some 1,000 manufacturers. Youwill save through's everyday, low-price deals and bargain countdowns!
December 5th, 1 PM EST through 8 PM EST, the following offers will be available to Platinum members: Nintendo Wii Fit for $49, Dell Laptop D400 for $99, Dyson DC14 for $99 and the Garmin 250W for $49. (Please note that there is only one product offered at these prices and that the customer must be a Platinum member to purchase.) Holiday Gift Guide- Ideas to help you get the right gift at the lowest prices
Offer Ends: 12/12/08
Outrageous Offer. Deals that are Outrageously Priced
Offer Ends: 12/12/08
In this week's Outrageous Offers, the Nintendo Wii will be randomly offered for $99, once a day, through December 8th. (Please note there are limited quantities available for the $99 Nintendo Wii.)
Nintendo Wii In Stock! No bundling - $344.99
Offer Ends: 12/12/08
Logitech Harmony 880 Advanced Universal Remote HD Ready (966187-0215) $106 (Save $43)
Offer Ends: 12/12/08
HP Pavilion DV5-1003NR 2.0GHz AMD Turion X2 Notebook w/ Blu-Ray Player $619.99 (Save $130)
Offer Ends: 12/12/08
Get Outrageous Offers 1st in Platinum Countdown $99 Wii (limited quantity 12/5/08)
Offer Ends: 12/05/08
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